How is Tesla helping against air pollution.

        We know that any kind of pollution is taken seriously for a fact, we know that there has been a major debate on the topic a few years ago and people are coming up with ways to counter/tackle such as electric cars, solar plants, wind energy, hydro power and many more. In 2020, pollution (all kinds of pollution including air pollution) was responsible for about 1/8th of deaths in Europe and was a major risk factor for pollution related diseases such as heart problems, stroke and lung cancer. According to statistics, the published estimates of the death toll from air pollution span a wide range, as the chart above made clear. The number of deaths attributed to outdoor air pollution ranges from 3 million to almost 9 million per year. In addition, a large number of deaths are attributed to indoor air pollution.

                                                 (post from YouTube

 Vehicles being one of the largest contributors of pollution, electrizing the vehicles will have a tremendous impact on air pollution rates. Many companies are trying to thrive in the sector of electric cars. Huge companies like Tesla, Ford motors Rivian, etc. But why are companies so huge and profitable struggling to make an impact on the electric vehicle sector. And What are electric cars and how do they function. Electric cars use electricity as their primary source of fuel to run the cars rather than traditional diesel fuel. Electric cars function by plugging into a charge point and taking electricity from the grid. They store the electricity in rechargeable batteries that power an electric motor, which turns the wheels. Electric cars accelerate faster than vehicles with traditional fuel engines – so they feel lighter to drive. Tesla being a ginormous IT company which majorly sells electric cars has decreased the pollution rates significantly but has priced their vehicles for the upper-middle class people. Meaning not all can afford the electric cars which destroys the purpose of availability to the mass which in turn results in lesser lowering of pollution rates by other diesel vehicles. Electric cars are meant to be used in bulk by the people. Only then will it show an impact on the environmental pollution. So, if tesla could manufacture cars with a slightly lower standards of their interior and exterior along with a few economical upgrades to the power system, it could lower the cost of these cars and make them affordable to the middle and the lower-middle class people. These changes need not be made to all their cars buts just a few would bring them profits and help the environment tremendously. Although pollution by vehicles contributes a lot to environment pollution, it is not the only way of pollution. 

Electric vehicles bring down CO2 emissions of new cars in UK to lowest  level ever | Automotive industry | The Guardian

(post from "The Guardian"

There are various ways and types of pollution like CO2 produced by generators which causes air pollution, idol immersions into water bodies on occasions of traditional festivals which causes water pollution, using plastic straws can cause soil pollution as it does not degrade in the soil and stays in its original form for hundreds of years, fossil fuel powered generators that produce electricity use a lot of fuel which depletes fossil fuel for the future generations. Sustainability is basically about pollution. When pollution is reduced, it is in turn helping create a sustainability environment.


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