How has Google helped tackle against air pollution.

        Air pollution refers to the release of pollutants into the air—pollutants which are detrimental to human health and the planet as a whole. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), each year air pollution is responsible for nearly seven million deaths around the globe. Nine out of ten human beings currently breathe air that exceeds the WHO’s guideline limits for pollutants, with those living in low- and middle-income countries suffering the most. In the United States, the Clean Air Act, established in 1970, authorizes the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to safeguard public health by regulating the emissions of these harmful air pollutants. Moreover, companies like Google (also known as Alphabet) have already started to reach the aim of clean and green environment. Reduction of air pollutants like O3, CFC’s and CO2 have become their primary goal towards their goal. Google (also known as Alphabet) is one of the top tier software companies which has a net worth of over $1.7 Trillion. Google is a company whose decision can affect millions of people around the world. The president of Google Europe, Mr. Matt Brittin wrote an article “Our data centers support Europe's green economic recovery” about how google is supporting in Europe’s green economic recovery. In the article, it was stated that Europe was aiming for a 55% reduction of CO2 emissions by 2030 along with thee 32% renewable energy target. And Google is supporting the cause by announcing that they are bringing nearly 1,700 megawatts of renewable energy projects in Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands. Taking the world's greenest data center fleet to the next level of AI technology helps reduce the energy that they use to cool their data centers by 30 percent, and they would make it available for use by airports, shopping malls, hospitals, data centers and other commercial buildings and industrial facilities. 

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(Post from "Google"

In Finland, their data center had brought €1.2 billion in investment and supported 1700 jobs every year since 2009. After reading the article, think Google is doing an amazing job of supporting the eco-friendly concept. Google is aiming to reduce about 30% of the energy use to cool their data centers and supporting thousands of people in Europe and around the world. It was also stated that Europe was aiming for a 55% reduction of CO2 emissions by 2030 along with thee 32% renewable energy target. Statistically speaking, Global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuels and industry have increased considerably since 2000, and in 2019 reached a record high of 36.7 billion metric tons of CO2. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused global CO2 emissions to plummet five percent to 34.81 billion metric tons. It is projected that emissions rebounded in 2021 as lockdowns eased.  The percentages might not look much but practically, it is a huge task to accomplish. Google has already started to work towards achieving their goal of clean and green environment. It not only is helping in environment ecological sustainability but also economical sustainability as it is providing jobs to thousands of people which is increasing the per capita income of a country and makes the family financially stable. 

Annual CO2 emissions worldwide 1940-2020 | Statista

(Post from "Statista"

In the end, Google is just one such company out of the many tech companies around the world and we cannot expect it to contribute more to the economy as it is a private company which must make money to support its employees and run the company. Furthermore, CO2 emission is not the only type of pollution there is. There are many more ways and many more companies that are trying to help the environment in any way possible.


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