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Plastic caused pollution is no new topic to us as it is still one of the leading causes of sea pollution and soil pollution. Idols are another cause for water pollution as are immersed with other pollution causing agents like metal, jewelry and flowers. Talking about idols immersed in water, plastic is just as harmful substance as idols that are being disposed of into the water. What makes plastic so dangerous? Is it because it is a poison? The answer is YES! It’s simple — plastic isn’t natural. Although it is derived from petroleum, which is processed from naturally occurring crude oil, plastic does not occur in nature. There’s lots of science behind it, but it mostly involves the chemical bonds of plastic vs. the molecular bonds of organic matter like an apple. Plastic’s carbon bonds aren’t the same as the chemical bonds found in nature, making it harder and more energy-intensive to break them down. Plastic is dangerous because of its indestructability nature. Which means t