
Showing posts from April, 2022

Global Sustainability- Ecologically and Economically!

          Sustainability means to meet our needs without compromising the needs for the future generations. Global warming is another cause of climate change which is caused by long-term heating of earth’s atmosphere which causes acid rain, skin cancer and many more. These are some of the hot topics in the current society which wants to go eco-friendly. Yet there are many industries that mass produce/dig up fossil fuels to run cars, rockets, machines and many more. These are some of the primary reasons why climate change is increasing. But People have invented renewable sources of energy which can have a huge impact on carbon dioxide emission. But how can we help in developing our environment sustainably and how are other companies helping in the progress? I read many articles about global warming and renewable sources of energies which had a huge impact on my perspective to the topic. For many people,               sustainability is closely associated with environmental issues, in whi